Pennello angolato per fondotinta. Permette di ottenere un finish naturale dalla perfetta copertura. La punta angolata segue perfettamente i contorni del volto garantendo un’applicazione uniforme e un risultato senza difetti. Le setole sono al 100% sintetiche. Adatto per fondotinta fluidi, compatti e in polvere. The foundation brush creates a natural finish with perfect coverage. The slightly angled tip follows the contours of the skin superbly, enabling seamless and flawless application of foundation. The brush hairs are100% synthetic. Suitable for liquid, cream and powder foundations.
Perfect Foundation Brush
FOR LIQUID OR CREAM FOUNDATION: Place a small amount of foundation in the palm of your hand and apply it to the forehead, cheeks and chin with the finger tips. Then, using the brush spread the foundation in light dabbing motions for a flawless result. FOR POWDER OR CREAM COMPACT FOUNDATION: Gently brush over the surface of the foundation several times to pick up an adequate amount. Apply foundation to the skin in gentle tapping motions to achieve medium coverage. Use as much foundation as is necessary to gain the desired finish. Draw the brush along the facial contours in an outward direction lightly fading foundation out towards the jaw and hair line.